Editor’s Notes
Spring has been busy with production of three new AHB videos and three more Hardwood Biofuels Webinars on endophytes in poplars, modeling poplar growth, and creating a bioenergy curriculum. A new article on using poplar for bioenergy is now available through eXtension. This issue of the AHB E-Newsletter focuses on using poplars for bio-based products, breeding poplars for bioenergy, exploring the best sites for biorefineries in the Pacific Northwest, and short descriptions of the new AHB videos. The AHB Extension Team is busy planning summer field tours at each of the AHB demonstration sites and the Short Rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group Conference in Seattle in July. Poster abstracts for the conference are still being accepted. To be more involved with the AHB project please complete our on-line stakeholder survey. We are looking forward to seeing you at the AHB field tours this summer.
Patricia Townsend, Ph.D.
Regional Extension Specialist and Educator
Washington State University

Co-products – The Path Forward for Renewable Biofuels

Breeding Hybrid Poplar for Renewable Biomass

Finding the Best Locations for Biorefineries in the Pacific Northwest

AHB Videos Showcase Sustainability, Life Cycle Assessments, and More
The first AHB video series provides technical information and research updates from AHB. The second series takes an in-depth look at each team that makes up AHB.