Members of the AHB Team Answer the Question
Steve Strauss
Oregon State University
The idea that we can produce energy and chemicals with much lower greenhouse gas impacts. The idea of putting our most advanced tree breeding, genetics, and genetic engineering tools to work for society and environment.
Rick Gustafson
University of Washington
The potential of having a fuel source that is sustainable and that can provide multiple ecosystem services. A big advantage of biofuels is that the energy is in a dense and transportable form, which is necessary for transportation fuels.
Nora Haider
Washington State University Extension
Bioenergy is awesome because of its potential to address many of the environmental issues we are facing. Energy crops can help restore degraded farmland and collecting forest residue can reduce the threat of wildfires. Bioenergy creates opportunities to utilize our local resources to address global climate change.
Rich Shuren
GreenWood Resources
I’m excited to work on bioenergy projects because we won’t be able to rely on fossil fuels indefinitely due to availability and greenhouse gas emissions. The work we do now secures our energy sources for future generations, including my grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Adriene Koett-Cronn
Oregon State University
Bioenergy is exciting because it has the potential to positively affect so many aspects of our community and the world as a whole. Not only does it address energy and environmental sustainability, but also economic development and local, agricultural diversity. I truly feel bioenergy is a vital piece in a sustainable future.