AHB Overview
AHB integrates research, education, and extension to develop the framework for a poplar-based biofuel and bio-based chemical industry. This interdisciplinary project is investigating all aspects of feedstock production, conversion technologies, sustainability, and bioenergy education and outreach.

Renewable Energy in the Pacific Northwest
Renewable energy comes from natural sources that are continually and sustainably replenished such as the sun, the flow of water, or other natural processes.

Biofuels by the Numbers
The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program calls for 36 billion gallons of renewable fuel to be used in the year 2022. Renewable fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, can reduce the net greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the transportation sector.

Advanced Biofuels 101
Advanced biofuels are renewable fuels that are considered “advanced” because of the type of plant material or feedstock that is used to make them. Advanced biofuels have the potential to replace the petroleum-based fuels that we currently use.