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Harvesting Short-Rotation Poplar for Bioenergy

This webinar presents the information on how to harvest poplar every 2 to 3 years for bioenergy and harvesting data from field trials. Hybrid poplar…

Ethanol Today & Tomorrow

Ethanol is an alcohol fuel made by fermenting the sugar of plant material. Almost all gasoline sold in the U.S. is blended with up to…

Hardwood Biofuels Life Cycle Analysis

The global warming potential of poplar jet fuel is 30-45% lower than petro-jet fuel.

AHB Newsletter – Volume 2, No. 2 [Summer 2013]

IN THIS ISSUE: Planting Poplars to Fuel Our Energy Needs Sustainable Soils for Hardwood Biofuels Understanding the Carbon Balance of Biofuel Production

AHB Newsletter – Volume 2, No. 1 [Spring 2013]

IN THIS ISSUE: First Year poplar Survival and Growth at the Idaho and Oregon Demonstration Site Assessing Biodiversity in Hybrid Poplar Bioenergy Plantations Listening to…

AHB Newsletter – Volume 1, No. 3 [Winter 2012]

IN THIS ISSUE: Life Cycle Assessment for AHB Drop-in Biofuels Modeling Bioenergy Crop Price and Acreage WSU Extension Strengthening Communication and Collaboration OSU Bioenergy Minor…

AHB Newsletter – Volume 1, No. 2 [Fall 2012]

IN THIS ISSUE: Curriculum Development for a Biofuel Industry Optimizing Bioenergy Feedstock Production WSU Extension Running Full Steam

AHB Newsletter – Volume 1, No. 1 [Summer 2012]

IN THIS ISSUE: Project Introduction The Conversion Process of the Future New Bioenergy Education at Oregon State University Gearing up at WSU Extension

Biochemicals: The First Steps Toward Commercialization

Presenters: Dr. Rick Gustafson, Erik Budsberg, and Jordan Crawford Biochemicals, produced during the conversion pathway to biofuels, offer more immediate market opportunities for emerging biofuel…

Biofuels Policies: Why a Clean Fuels Standard and Other Government Policies Are Important to Bringing the Advanced Biofuels Industry to Scale in the Northwest

Presenter: Ross Macfarlane of Climate Solutions Ross Macfarlane of Climate Solutions, addresses key policies affecting biofuels in the Northwest with a focus the debate surrounding…
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