Category: Info Sheets
Converting Wood to Biofuels
There are a variety of ways that cellulosic biomass can be converted into biofuels. AHB’s research focuses on a conversion process that uses heat, bacteria,…
Drop-In Biofuels
Drop-In biofuels are liquid transportation fuels made from plant material. These fuels are chemically identical to petroleum-derived gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. Drop-in biofuels could…
Advanced Biofuels 101
Advanced biofuels are renewable fuels that are considered “advanced” because of the type of plant material or feedstock that is used to make them. Advanced…
Poplar-Based Ethanol
In the PNW, poplar trees are a promising feedstock for cellulosic ethanol. Developing a cellulosic ethanol industry in the PNW can increase energy security, build…
Acetic Acid From Poplar
One of the most financially promising bio-based chemicals that could be produced in the AHB process is acetic acid. It is the building block for…
Ethanol Today & Tomorrow
Ethanol is an alcohol fuel made by fermenting the sugar of plant material. Almost all gasoline sold in the U.S. is blended with up to…
Hardwood Biofuels Life Cycle Analysis
The global warming potential of poplar jet fuel is 30-45% lower than petro-jet fuel.
Álamo para biocombustibles
Los árboles de álamo tienen mucho potencial como materia prima para biocombustibles renovables en el Noroeste. Cuando crecen para biomasa, álamo pueden suministrar la materia…
Descripción del Preyecto
Biocombustibles Avanzados a partir de Madera Dura en el Noroeste, Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest (AHB), es un consorcio formado por un grupo de Universidades y …
Environmental Sustainability
To understand and minimize environmental impacts of poplar production, a key research focus of the AHB initiative is environmental sustainability.