AHB webinars can also be accessed through our YouTube Channel: Hardwood Biofuels.

Restoration: From Biomass Poplar Plantings to Conventional Ag
Presenters: Rich Shuren and Rick Stonex
This webinar covered the objectives and methods for transitioning an established hybrid poplar biomass planting into a different agricultural system.

The Final Step: Harvesting Hybrid Poplar for Renewable Bioenergy Feedstock
Presenters: Rich Shuren, Brian Stanton, Rick Stonex, Jesus Espinoza, and Tim Volk
This webinar presented the 1st and 2nd cycle harvests including results of time-and-motion studies, operating parameters of the New Holland 9080, details on field loading of the biomass, challenges encountered and opportunities for improving operating efficiencies, and harvesting costs.

Partnering Trees and Microbes for Tackling Environmental Pollutants
Presenter: Dr. Sharon Doty
This webinar discussed the recent successful field trial of poplar tree phytoremediation with a natural TCE-degrading microbial endophyte.

Students’ Success – WWCC Plant Operations Program
Presenter: Jason Selwitz
In this webinar, Jason Selwitz (ACE Project Manager, Plant Ops Instructor/Advisor) shared stories and statistics about the Plant Operations program. In addition, hear from the students themselves in a brand-new video premiering as part of the webinar!

Cream of the Coppice: Hybrid Poplar Yields During the Establishment and Coppice Cycles
Presenters: Jesus Espinoza and Brian Stanton
This webinar presented data on the first-coppice growth and yield from the AHB demonstration sites. Learn about the differences GreenWood Resources has seen in the poplar varieties, the demonstration sites, and the establishment and re-growth periods since the first harvest.

Converting Poplar into Biofuels – Graduate and Postdoc Research
Presenters: Chang Dou, Hanna Horhammer, and Oliver Jan
The webinar is divided into a series of short presentations that are tailored for a general audience. Topics include the concept of “poplar to biofuels,” biomass processing, and taking ethanol to jet fuel.

Communicating with Policy Makers in the Pacific Northwest
Presenters: Nora Haider and Peter Moulton
This webinar discussed methods for engaging policy makers in bioenergy developments and identified ways that university research can inform bioenergy decisions.

Trees of the Future – Genetic Engineering as a Tool for Improving Feedstock
Presenters: Dr. Amy Klocko & Dr. Steve Strauss
This talk presents information about progress in the field of genetic engineering of trees, including their own work on means for biocontainment of GE and exotic trees to facilitate public and regulatory acceptance.

Economic Evaluation of Potential Biorefineries with High-Resolution Decision Support Tools
Presenter: Dr. Nathan Parker
This talk introduces a web-based decision support tool for biorefinery siting and explores the economic viability of biorefineries in Chehalis, WA, Dallas, OR, and Hayden, ID.

AHB: Five-Year Update
Presenter: Dr. Rick Gustafson
In this webinar, AHB’s Principal Investigator, Rick Gustafson shares research updates from the AHB project and provides an overview on the successes and challenges for developing biofuel and biochemical industries.

How do hybrid poplar trees interact with air pollution?
Presenter: Dr. Todd Rosenstiel
Unlike traditional agriculture crops, many emerging bioenergy crops emit significant quantities of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These VOCs, including isoprene, can react with compounds in the atmosphere and lead to the production of ozone in the troposphere.

Effectiveness of a Pacific Northwest Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax in the Context of the Federal Biofuel Policy
Presenter: Dr. Gregmar Galinato
This webinar explores how the federal biofuel policy on cellulosic feedstock along with a tax structure that seeks to control carbon dioxide emissions will help achieve sustainable biofuel production in the Pacific Northwest.

Market Opportunities for Hybrid Poplar
Presenters: Brian Stanton, Carlos Gantz, Rick Stonex, and Tim Schallich
The poplar veneer industry is making good strides in the Pacific Northwest and will help prepare for the eventual emergence of a renewable fuels market. This webinar covers poplar veneer manufacturing, poplar siliviculture, and poplar selection to optimize good veneer recovery.

Estimation of job creation and economic activity from investment in hybrid poplar bio-jet fuel
Presenters: Dr. Nathan Parker, Dr. Josué Medellin-Azuara, and Dr. Boon-Ling Yeo
This study estimates the net economic impacts of short-rotation poplar for bio-jet fuel production in California, Washington, and Oregon. Regional impacts such as potential biofuel output and employment opportunities are explored as well as poplar production, displacement of existing crops, handling and transportation of poplar, biorefinery construction and operation.

Converting hybrid poplar to biofuels and biochemicals: feedstock properties and conversion techniques
Presenters: Renata Bura and Fernando Resende
Woody biomass can be converted into a variety of biofuels and biochemical. Researchers at the University of Washington are fine-tuning the process to convert hybrid poplars into acetic acid, ethanol, jet fuel, and other products. This webinar takes a step-by-step look at how lignocellulosic biomass is converted to chemicals then biofuels.

Stakeholder interests and perceptions of bioenergy in the Pacific Northwest
Presenters: Marina Heppenstall, Dr. Patricia Townsend, Nora Haider, Dr. Shiba Kar, Dr. Stanley Asah, and Kevin Zobrist
Understanding stakeholder perceptions of bioenergy is an important factor in the development of bioenergy industries in the Pacific Northwest. The Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest extension team surveyed three groups – landowners, environmental professionals, and extension professionals – to identify their interests and concerns surrounding bioenergy. This webinar covers the results of these studies and examines how this information can be used moving forward.

Managing the Environmental Risks of Poplar
Presenters: Dr. Andrew Rodstrom and Dr. Aurea Nardelli
This webinar features information about the different environmental risk mitigation strategies employed by GreenWood Resources and the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials certification program is discussed.

Biofuels & Wildlife
Presenters: Dr. Brian Moser and Dr. Robert Fletcher
In this special Earth Day webinar, we are brought together researchers from across the United States to present information on biodiversity in bioenergy feedstock production systems.

Harvesting Short-Rotation Poplar for Bioenergy

Using Molecular Tools in Poplar Hybridization for Bioenergy
Presenters: Dr. David Neale and Dr. Brian Stanton
Using inter-specific hybridization and selection techniques, researchers are developing a new class of poplar energy varieties. Integrating molecular breeding tools for poplar trees with conventional approaches can expedite the development of bioenergy feedstocks. Inter-specific hybridization involves crossing two species of the same genus to create a hybrid that can outgrow and outperform the parent species. Presented by David Neale of the University of California, Davis and Brain Stanton of GreenWood Resources, Inc.

Biochemicals: The First Steps Toward Commercialization
Presenters: Dr. Rick Gustafson, Erik Budsberg, and Jordan Crawford
Biochemicals, produced during the conversion pathway to biofuels, offer more immediate market opportunities for emerging biofuel industries in the Pacific Northwest.

Biofuels Policies: Why a Clean Fuels Standard and Other Government Policies Are Important to Bringing the Advanced Biofuels Industry to Scale in the Northwest
Presenter: Ross Macfarlane of Climate Solutions
Ross Macfarlane of Climate Solutions, addresses key policies affecting biofuels in the Northwest with a focus the debate surrounding a Clean Fuels Standard in Washington and Oregon.

Locating poplar biorefineries in the Pacific Northwest
Presenter: Dr. Nathan Parker
Finding the right locations for polar biorefineries is essential for making profitable biofuels. The choice of location depends on where poplars grow best, the competition for the land, biorefinery size, and transportation costs. In this webinar, Nathan Parker from the University of California, Davis will explain how a model can be used to site biorefineries that utilize poplar trees as the primary feedstock.

Bioenergy Education: A Comprehensive Framework
Presenters: Dr. Kate Field and Jay Well
During this webinar, the AHB education team from Oregon State University shared their overall bioenergy education framework as well as resources they have developed to meet the needs of educators and students.

Modeling Short Rotation Hybrid Poplar Plant Growth and Yield in the Pacific Northwest
Presenters: Dr. Quinn Hart and Dr. Varaprasad Banduru
Researchers from the University of California, Davis developed the 3PG-AHB model that models poplar growth and yield as a short rotation crop.

Endophytes to Increase Sustainability and Disease Resistance
Presenters: Dr. Sharon Doty and Dr. Posy Busby
Endophytes are beneficial microorganisms that live fully within plants without causing disease. Although endophytes are present in most poplar trees, addition of specific endophytes from native poplar can have impacts on the growth and health of poplar varieties.

Where Can We Grow Hybrid Poplars in the Pacific Northwest?
Presenters: Luke Rogers and Andrew Cooke
To develop a sustainable hybrid poplar biofuels industry in the Pacific Northwest, hundreds of thousands of acres of land will be needed to grow poplar as a short-rotation woody crop. In this webinar, researchers from the University of Washington present the methodology and results of a poplar growing suitability study conducted using GIS analysis.

Will poplar bioenergy plantations maintain soil and water quality?
Presenters: Dr. Mark Coleman, Bhanu Bhattarai, and Brian Bell
Researchers from AHB are monitoring a number of soil quality parameters to identify potential environmental impacts of poplar biofuel feedstock cropping systems. In this webinar, approaches and initial findings are presented from three sets of environmental impact measurements: nutrient leaching, greenhouse gas fluxes, and soil biology.

Assessing the economic and environmental impacts of sustainably produced poplar-based biofuels
Presenter: Dr. Rick Gustafson
Producing fuels from poplar wood grown on bioenergy farms must be economically viable and environmentally sound to be sustainable. This webinar presents two research programs designed to assess the economic and environmental sustainability of poplar-based biofuel production.

Growing green energy: Poplar as a short rotation bioenergy crop
Presenters: Dr. Brian Stanton, Rich Shuren, Rick Stonex, and Bruce Summers
Poplars are the fastest growing trees in the temperate zone. It is not surprising then that hybrid poplar is identified as one of the country’s most important feedstocks for the emerging renewable transportation fuels industry. In this webinar, researchers from GreenWood Resources, Inc. discuss the production of hybrid poplar as a feedstock for renewable transportation fuels.