The University of Washington (UW) and the University of California (UC), Davis lead the Sustainability Team, which is composed of researchers from universities around the Northwest and the Rocky Mountain Wildlife Institute.

Gustafson, Rick
Dr. Gustafson is a professor in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences at the University of Washington. Rick is the primary investigator for the entire AHB project and co-leads the Sustainability Team. His research [...]

Jenkins, Bryan
Dr. Jenkins teaches and conducts research in the areas of energy and power, with emphasis on biomass and other renewable resources. Bryan is currently Director of the Energy Institute at the University of California Davis. [...]

Asah, Stanley Tanyi
Dr. Asah is a conservation psychologist with the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, in the College of the Environment at the University of Washington. His work focuses on understanding and promoting pro-environmental behavior, and [...]

Budsberg, Erik
Erik is a PhD student at the University of Washington. The need for efficient and sustainable use of our world’s resources has been at the center of Erik’s research focus for the last decade. It [...]

Hart, Quinn
Dr. Hart combines his interests in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing and computer science with research in methods to provide database access to remote sensing data. He is also interested in the underlying database [...]

Lenentine, Miku
Miku Lenentine is a predoctoral research associate working with Professor Stanley Asah in the School of Environmental and Forest Science’s Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management Lab at the University of Washington. Miku is assessing [...]

Li, Yuanzhe (Roger)
Yuanzhe (Roger) Li is a Ph.D student in Civil Engineering at the University of California, Davis, affiliated with the Institute of Transportation Studies. Roger’s research interests lies in energy infrastructure system modelling and optimization, transportation [...]

Merz, Justin
Justin Merz has worked at the Center for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing at the University of California, Davis since 2006 developing online GIS applications and tools. Justin has a strong knowledge of web frontends [...]

Moser, Brian
Brian W. Moser founded the Rocky Mountain Wildlife Institute in 2008 after working as a wildlife biologist in the hybrid poplar and forestry industries for 11 years. Brian earned his Ph.D in Wildlife Biology from [...]

Rogers, Luke
Luke Rogers is a research scientist and forest engineer at the University of Washington. Since 2001 Luke has been devoted to increasing the understanding of Washington state forests through the assembly of a statewide land [...]