Support for a new sustainable biofuels and biochemicals industry is important at all levels of government. The Renewable Fuel Standard provides incentives and mandates for producing cellulosic ethanol and advanced biofuels. State governments can provide more regional incentives such as a clean fuel standard. Local governments can facilitate finding potential locations for biorefineries in their communities.
More Information for Policy Makers
The push for biofuels and bioproducts started as way to reduce our dependence on petroleum and the impacts of climate change. The AHB research project specifically addresses producing biofuels and biochemicals from hardwoods in a sustainable manner.
More Information for Environmental Professionals
Money may not grow on trees, but bioenergy does.
More Information for Landowners
Providing pathways for education and future bioenergy careers is an important aspect of the AHB project. We realize that the work you do with youth helps shape their outlook, actions, and possible career choices. Knowing about viable energy alternatives now and for the future empowers youth to examine their current understanding and discover what tomorrow holds.
More Information for Educators
Biocombustibles Avanzados a Partir de Madera Dura es un consorcio que trabaja para crear una industria sostenible de biocombustibles y bioquímicos en el Noroeste del Pacífico. Los objetivos del proyecto son reducir el uso del petróleo, producir más combustibles sostenibles, y crear empleo en la agricultura, industria, y transportación.
Local and sustainable biofuel and bio-based product industries will benefit from the support of Extension professionals working in diverse program areas, from agricultural and natural resources, to youth, family and home, to community development.
More Information for Extension Professionals